What's in a Word?


I have been admonished to deliver this word today. I knew it was important when I received it again on Sunday. So much so that I preached on "What's in a Word" at chapel services this weekend (Psalm 119; 2 Timothy 3:16-17). Without posting a transcript, here are some highlights. 

First of all, stop telling yourself or anyone else that "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." This is yet another misnomer taught to children that continues to lead to brokenness, humiliation and isolation. Fact - everything created was created by the spoken Word of God (Genesis 1:3). Words are a organized collection of letters. Whether spoken, written, seen or heard a word has meaning. That meaning may vary depending on person, delivery or circumstances. Something to remember: nothing happens without a word. A word has authority and persona. "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God..." (John 1:1-3). Also, a word has purpose. The 2 Timothy text expresses the purpose of God's word for humanity to completely equip them "for every good work". That's good news right there! God's word is not a bat to be used to beat people over the head (as it is customarily and traditionally used). Further, God's word is an invitation to experience God's love. This is beautifully expressed in Psalm 119. Choose your words wisely. The word of the day is "WORD".


30 Days to go…


Embracing Wonder